The recognition of the testimonial value of a historic building is part of the sustainable project for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage.
The main methods for certifying of the sustainability of interventions on buildings do not provide specific requirements.
The seminar aims to illustrate the “rating” system for the certification of buildings.



Teresa Cervino, Architect and Professor School of Engineering, University of Pisa

Sustainability certification protocols

Rodolfo Collodi, Architect and President of INBAR – National Institute for Bioarchitecture -Lucca

The Rating System protocol

Marco Zuppiroli, Researcher LaboRA – Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara

Case Histories
The first certified building: the Rocca of Sant’Apollinare in Perugia

Franco Cotana, Ordinary professor of Industrial Physics – Department of Engineering, Perugia

GBC Historic Building Certification: Palazzo Gulinelli in Ferrara

Cristiano Ferrari, Architect– Binario Lab 

A case of application of the protocol: the Certosa of Calci

Teresa Cervino