IMMERSIVA | Living and managing digital challenges
Immersive art is both an instrument to amplify and shape the impact of the cultural message conveyed by tangible and intangible heritage, and a real artistic expression – with its own language, its own aesthetics and a group of great performers.
In 2021, a year of great transformations, digital technology represents a fundamental milestone in laying solid foundations of a better future, in terms of youth employment, competitiveness and accessibility.
However, in order to be fully appreciated, it needs to be understood through training, experience and comparison. Therefore, the first international summit on immersive art was held at LuBeC. Immersivity and its artisans – many of whom are Italian – were at the centre of an experiential and educational journey that you could directly enjoy in Lucca.
The summit was structured on three appointments between Thursday 7 and Friday 8 October, and it also included an on-site exhibition. The initiative took place thanks to the collaboration between PROMO PA Foundation, Immersiva srl, and Brigth Fesival and with the support of BARCO.
Thursay 7 October and Friday 8 October 2021
With the support of BARCO | In collaboration with Promo PA Fondazione, Immersiva Livorno and Bright Festival
Focus 1 | Immersivity: instructions for use in the universe of culture
Focus 2 | Immersivity: success stories and international development trends
Focus 3 | Technology and artistic creativity: an alliance for change