Promo PA Foundation has decided to support LuBeC in Lucca as a means of strengthening its relationship with the area and of making the link between the Mission, which the Foundation has undertaken in the field of enhancing local heritage, and the city of Lucca, even stronger and clearer.
Our thanks to all the Supporters/Sponsors who believed in this initiative from its inception and have enabled its consolidation.
Municipality of Lucca
The Municipality of Lucca has been carrying out a policy of reviving the city for a number of years and at the same time promotes the training of personnel assigned to this task. The Teatro del Giglio, the area of the former Manifattura Tabacchi with the Museo del Fumetto, the Agorà centre, Porta SS Gervasio and Portasio, the Opera delle Mura, the Teatro di San Girolamo, are just some and perhaps the most macroscopic recoveries promoted by the Municipality since 2000. In this context, the Agency promotes and supports initiatives, such as LuBeC, which stimulate exchange and collaboration between agencies and between institutions and individuals and, above all, strengthen resources to make them more available to the tourism industry, while safeguarding our heritage.
Province of Lucca
The Province of Lucca is strongly committed to contributing to the enhancement of the territory with the aim of reconstructing and recomposing the patrimony of the Province, giving space, as well, to out-lying or less familiar, but nevertheless unique, heritage. For this reason, in addition to the famous restoration of the Palazzo Ducale in Lucca, a place of strong symbolic importance, the Mont'Alfonso Fortress in Castelnuovo in Garfagnana has also been restored and forms a central element of an integrated program for the development of the Serchio valley. Villa Argentina in Viareggio, a very important example of the Liberty style from both an architectural and an artistic point of view, has also been returned to its former glory. These are just some of the results of a cultural policy aimed at ensuring the culture of conservation...
Region of Tuscany
The Region of Tuscany is committed, among other institutional aims, to the protection and enhancement of its historical, artistic and landscape heritage, with the mission of making the immense cultural heritage of Tuscany accessible to future generations. “A Region that safeguards the past, but takes on the present day. Every year Tuscany attracts millions of visitors, in a mixture of tourism and culture destined to make the region grow, even economically”. In particular, the Region of Tuscany is a partner of LuBeC Lucca Beni Culturali in the creation of workshops to present good practices and case studies regarding the cultural heritage - technology - tourism chain and which take place every year as part of LuBeC.
Chamber of Commerce of Lucca
The Chamber of Commerce of Lucca, one of the oldest in the world, has an historical tradition as well as economic orientation and managerial culture. Today it is a real service system for business development and employment, working alongside companies with advanced organisational tools and with the aim of promoting and developing the economy. The Chamber of Commerce of Lucca is a source of energy, opportunities, data, information and entrepreneurial culture. It works for companies with the sole purpose of improving their competitiveness: the Chamber of Commerce can be relied on for informed advice.
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca
The Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca Foundation was established to support art, activities and cultural heritage, education and training, including the purchase of editorial products for schools, volunteering, philanthropy and charity, the realisation of public works or works of public utility and scientific and technological research The traditional commitment of the Foundation in the work of protection and restoration of artistic, architectural and monumental heritage is combined with the parallel and essential activity of enhancement aimed at increasing the usability of artistic heritage by the community and increasing tourist flows, which are of vital importance to the cultural and economic growth of the area. Supporting Culture also means investing with conviction in creative activities...
Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca
The Banca del Monte di Lucca Foundation pursues aims of social utility and the promotion of economic development, especially to the benefit of the Province of Lucca. The Foundation's work covers art, activities and cultural heritage; education and training; volunteering, philanthropy and charity and local development as well as environmental protection and research. The Foundation's mission involves supporting the implementation of annual and multi-year projects, innovative initiatives and activities, initiatives and activities of traditional relevance to the area, which would otherwise risk dying out, and support of autonomous organisations with similar aims to those of the Foundation.